Thursday, January 28, 2010



Your smile largely speaks

About the inner happiness

You have in your heart and mind;

For your words are so kind

On forging global unity

To pursue international harmony.

You fiddle staunchly and merrily

To make all the world leaders dance

And swing for a rocking party

Which may pop up a graceful trance-

That may help the whole of humanity

Delete out extreme carbon-emissions.

You have galloped upon discriminations;

You’ve triumphed over and above bigotry;

Your charisma built standing ovations;

You’ve become an icon of democracy

By just being sincere in human relations.

You’re truly-happy with your own humanity.

Your inner happiness shines magnificently

In and upon your individuality…..

And that’s the solid truth which you have shared

With all of the members of the human race.

Such tangible truth will never really fade

In and upon the eternity of the universe.



The poem has been constructed for Sir Barack Obama. BEST WIHES TO THE CURRENT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE USA.................................

Saturday, January 16, 2010

On Obama Winning The Nobel Peace Prize..........

About the Nobel Prize:

Every year since 1901 the Nobel Prize has been awarded for achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace. The Nobel Prize is an international award administered by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1968, Sveriges Riksbank established The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, founder of the Nobel Prize. Each prize consists of a medal, personal diploma, and a cash award.

The Nobel Peace Prize, considered "the world's most prestigious prize," was awarded to Al Gore and the IPCC in 2007, and a total of 95 individuals and 23 organizations world wide. The Prize is awarded at a ceremony in the Oslo City Hall on December 10, the date on which Alfred Nobel died.

US Pres. Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize in January, 2010. Pres. Barack Obama went to Sweden to accept the award. He made a humble speech before accepting the award. The crowd there applauded his speech. He's the man.



Barack Obama’s leadership-style includes respecting the sentiments of the citizens of this globe about complete international cooperation regarding all the issues that modern humans are now facing. Hence, Obama is really a true icon for the people of this world who sincerely believe in decent and truly-democratic leadership. The whole world, including the US conservative groups, should congratulate him. He's the man! Amen.

Pres. Obama is an inspirational icon for all of the people in this globe who are right now waging

peaceful and lawful struggles to bring social reforms and decent changes in and upon their respective communities.


Sunday, January 3, 2010


Dear Pres. Barack Obama,

I'm Rummel Pinera. I'm a blogger from the Philippines. I'm a big fan of yours. I've organized pro-Obama forums, groups and discussions all over the internet or e-web during and after the campaign-period for the 2008 US presidential election. I can say that the recently-concluded US presidential election was the first US presidential election that attracted the participation of on-line activists from all parts of the globe to campaign aggressively for a charismatic presidential candidate- Sir Barack Obama. You are a great icon to all the citizens of the globe who are right now making great efforts in making democracy and human rights really work in their respective countries.

I'm appealing to you- US Pres. Barack Obama- to make an official tour of the Southeast Asian region and visit my home-country the Philippines. I believe that such a visit can inspire the citizens of the Southeast Asian countries to work harder for the fortification of a human-rights' pact that can eliminate all the discriminatory policies of certain governments against ethnic and religious minorities in the said region. I hope that Pres. Obama can do such tour in January of year 2010. I see Pres. Barack Obama as a symbol of racial equality and religious tolerance. Therefore, your would-be visit to Southeast Asia would somehow inspire the citizens of the whole place to work closely together in order to eradicate discriminatory policies against certain ethnic minorities and help foster religious freedom all over the region.

You have recently won the Nobel- Peace Prize. I’m happy that you won such prize. I know that you know well that a Nobel Peace- Prize winner from Southeast Asia—Miss Aung San Suu Kyi – has long been under house detention for her dedication to human rights and freedom. I know that Pres. Obama can help inspire the major member-states of the ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) to work effectively in helping the Burmese people regain their freedom from despotic rule.
I'm looking forward to the day when US Pres. Obama would officially announce that he would visit the Philippines and tour the Southeast Asian region.
In fact, I’m doing an on-line campaign for this cause. I’m crossing my fingers that this request will be granted by you- US Pres. Barack Obama. Thanks.


San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines

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