Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dear Wikipedia,

Since I'm a Filipino, I do belong to the Yellow race. The Yellow race includes the Northeast Asians (e.g. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese), the Malays (Filipinos, Malaysians, Indonesians), Polynesians, Native Americans and the indigenous tribes of Siberia. I would rather prefer to be labeled racially as either Yellow or Beige. I wish to be called racially as either Light-Brown or Asian, not Mongoloid. The word 'Mongoloid' is politically incorrect when used to describe any member of the Yellow race. The said word makes you think that all members of the Asian race have a chromosomal condition called as the Down syndrome.

Since I'm an online activist, I have recently started an online campaign that would request to legitimate websites, blogs and online encyclopedias to stop using the word 'Mongoloid' in referring to any member of the Yellow race. The word 'Mongoloid' refers to a person who has Down syndrome. The word 'Mongoloid' is a degrading term for an Asian since it would suggest that all members of the Yellow race have Down syndrome. Since most inhabitants of Asia belong to the Yellow race, it is only proper to call members of the Yellow race as Asians. I think I can be labeled racially as either Light-Brown or Beige or Yellow. I don't want the label 'Mongoloid'. The term "Asiatics" is for all inhabitants of Asia- whether they're Whites, Blacks or Yellows. But since most inhabitants of Asia belong to the Yellow race, the term "Asian" is an appropriate racial label for any member of the Light-Brown or Yellow race. I hope your group can help in campaigning against the use of the word 'Mongoloid' in labeling any member of the Yellow race. Such term should not be used anymore in the international circles.

I'm requesting Wikipedia to delete the word "Mongoloid" as a racial label for all members of the Yellow race. The M-word is still listed on articles by Wikipedia regarding the 3 major racial divisions of humanity. The M-word is offensive to all members of the Yellow race. I would rather like to be labeled racially as Yellow or Asian. Other intellectuals suggested the word Asianic as an alternative term for a member of the Yellow race. I think the word Asianic is another acceptable racial label for any member of the Yellow race.

I hope that Wikipedia will really take action about this issue. Your group should be responsible enough in upholding racial equality in the whole globe.

Please search or click this link to know more about this advocacy of mine:


..... Thanks.



Rummel Pinera

The UN Must Endorse And Sponsor A Peace Agreement In Libya Now.....

The international community, through the UN Organization, is now effectively enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya. The role of NATO in Libya is to enforce a NO-FLY ZONE. It's the people of Libya who will have to create a democracy for their own country.

However, the international community can sponsor a peace agreement in Libya that will ensure a smooth transition of the country towards democracy. Col. Moammar Ghadaffi, being an international outlaw and a leader who has committed various crimes against humanity, should definitely exit away from Libyan governance. The armed oppositionists and the commanders of the Libyan Armed Forces should now hold dialogues that would pave the way for a peace negotiation towards national reconciliation and democratization. I'm sure that several generals of the Libyan Armed Forces don't want to see the Libyan military completely annihilated by air strikes from NATO forces and armed attacks from rebels. The international community can now push for and sponsor a peace agreement between the rational state officials, minus Ghadaffi, and the opposition leaders in Libya. Such negotiation should happen within the framework of the international`law and must accept the Libyan people's general will. Such negotiation should pave the way towards the creation of a legitimate constitution and the holding of democratic elections in Libya. The ultimate objective of such peace negotiation should be to establish a national consensus in Libya towards building democratic governance. I wish the Libyan people success in their efforts to have democratic governance for their nation.