Monday, May 23, 2011

On Charters That Can Help Curtail Slavery, Human Trafficking And Abuses Against Migrant Workers


Please help in the global campaign to end modern-day slavery and human trafficking. Since you’re a broadcast-journalist and writer, I know you can help in promoting 2 charters that peaceful activists from all over the world are advocating.

As a human-rights’ campaigner and cause-oriented blogger from the Philippines, I sincerely believe that the UN should establish 2 new international charters that can effectively curtail modern day slavery, human trafficking and stop the abuses against migrant workers, These 2 charters are the following:

1.) International Charter Against Modern-Day Slavery And Human Trafficking

2.) International Charter On The Protection Of Migrant Workers’ Rights

An international charter against modern-day slavery and human trafficking should ensure that every country in this world must have effective measures that would systematically curtail modern-day slavery and human trafficking. Such a charter can prevent children from being exploited and forced to do hard labor as well as protect women from being sold to sex-slavery.

The second one is an international charter against the abuses being done to migrant workers. There is really a necessity to establish a charter that will protect the rights of the migrant workers. Many migrant workers are being abused by their employers and somehow are forced to work as though they are slaves. Migrant workers easily become victims of human-rights’ violations. Hence, there is really a need to establish an international charter that will protect the rights of the migrant workers.

I have been advocating the necessity of an international charter that will protect and guarantee the rights of the migrant workers since the 1990s up to this present year of 2011. Many Filipino migrant workers had returned to the country with horrific stories of being abused by employers or treated like slaves under dangerous working conditions. I’m hoping that activist groups from all parts of this globe can make this dream become a reality soon.

The mentioned charters are necessary so that we can gauge how effective are the measures of every government on this planet in curtailing or preventing modern-day slavery, human trafficking and the abuses against migrant workers. I hope that non-governmental organizations, workers’ associations and civil-society groups would all unite in persuading the United Nations to establish the proposed international charters.

Please help us in campaigning for the said charters. Please click these links: and ….. Thanks.




Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Dear Wikipedia,

Since I'm a Filipino, I do belong to the Yellow race. The Yellow race includes the Northeast Asians (e.g. Chinese, Koreans, Japanese), the Malays (Filipinos, Malaysians, Indonesians), Polynesians, Native Americans and the indigenous tribes of Siberia. I would rather prefer to be labeled racially as either Yellow or Beige. I wish to be called racially as either Light-Brown or Asian, not Mongoloid. The word 'Mongoloid' is politically incorrect when used to describe any member of the Yellow race. The said word makes you think that all members of the Asian race have a chromosomal condition called as the Down syndrome.

Since I'm an online activist, I have recently started an online campaign that would request to legitimate websites, blogs and online encyclopedias to stop using the word 'Mongoloid' in referring to any member of the Yellow race. The word 'Mongoloid' refers to a person who has Down syndrome. The word 'Mongoloid' is a degrading term for an Asian since it would suggest that all members of the Yellow race have Down syndrome. Since most inhabitants of Asia belong to the Yellow race, it is only proper to call members of the Yellow race as Asians. I think I can be labeled racially as either Light-Brown or Beige or Yellow. I don't want the label 'Mongoloid'. The term "Asiatics" is for all inhabitants of Asia- whether they're Whites, Blacks or Yellows. But since most inhabitants of Asia belong to the Yellow race, the term "Asian" is an appropriate racial label for any member of the Light-Brown or Yellow race. I hope your group can help in campaigning against the use of the word 'Mongoloid' in labeling any member of the Yellow race. Such term should not be used anymore in the international circles.

I'm requesting Wikipedia to delete the word "Mongoloid" as a racial label for all members of the Yellow race. The M-word is still listed on articles by Wikipedia regarding the 3 major racial divisions of humanity. The M-word is offensive to all members of the Yellow race. I would rather like to be labeled racially as Yellow or Asian. Other intellectuals suggested the word Asianic as an alternative term for a member of the Yellow race. I think the word Asianic is another acceptable racial label for any member of the Yellow race.

I hope that Wikipedia will really take action about this issue. Your group should be responsible enough in upholding racial equality in the whole globe.

Please search or click this link to know more about this advocacy of mine:

..... Thanks.



Rummel Pinera

The UN Must Endorse And Sponsor A Peace Agreement In Libya Now.....

The international community, through the UN Organization, is now effectively enforcing a no-fly zone over Libya. The role of NATO in Libya is to enforce a NO-FLY ZONE. It's the people of Libya who will have to create a democracy for their own country.

However, the international community can sponsor a peace agreement in Libya that will ensure a smooth transition of the country towards democracy. Col. Moammar Ghadaffi, being an international outlaw and a leader who has committed various crimes against humanity, should definitely exit away from Libyan governance. The armed oppositionists and the commanders of the Libyan Armed Forces should now hold dialogues that would pave the way for a peace negotiation towards national reconciliation and democratization. I'm sure that several generals of the Libyan Armed Forces don't want to see the Libyan military completely annihilated by air strikes from NATO forces and armed attacks from rebels. The international community can now push for and sponsor a peace agreement between the rational state officials, minus Ghadaffi, and the opposition leaders in Libya. Such negotiation should happen within the framework of the international`law and must accept the Libyan people's general will. Such negotiation should pave the way towards the creation of a legitimate constitution and the holding of democratic elections in Libya. The ultimate objective of such peace negotiation should be to establish a national consensus in Libya towards building democratic governance. I wish the Libyan people success in their efforts to have democratic governance for their nation.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


February 20, 2011

It is wrong to argue that the peace process between Israel and Palestine would be deleted if all the despotic regimes in the Middle East region and, also, in North Africa would be overthrown and replaced by democratically-elected governments. There is no connection between despotic leadership and the on-going peace process between Israel and Palestine. In fact, the despotic leaders in the Middle East region and North Africa are using the so-called peace process between Israel and Palestine as a leverage to gain concessions and protection from rich countries, so that their respective dictatorial machinery will be maintained and secured by allies and given a semblance of legitimacy from the international community. It is suffice to say that the peace process between Israel and Palestine would only succeed if both camps can reach a final agreement to settle the Palestinian question and Israeli sovereignty once and for all. It’s only the Palestinians and Israelis who can ultimately end the conflict and decide to become harmonious neighbors in the Middle East region. The citizens in the said region who are living under despotic regimes have the God-given gift to enjoy their human rights, responsible freedoms, and civil liberties. Such citizens have the God-given ability to freely elect their respective statesmen and stateswomen. Such citizens have the God-given knowledge to freely participate in nation-building and progress in every human endeavor. Why would such God-given rights be forsaken in order to build peace? Peacemaking is righteous! But building peace through protecting dictators and, therefore, ensuring that despotic regimes get shielded from the reach of justice is just opportunism pretending to be good and nice. Building peace at the expense of continuing the repression and oppression of peoples by their dictatorial and despotic leaders is an immoral form of peacemaking. Peace can only succeed when the peacemakers themselves do believe that all nations in this world should be free in pursuing life, liberty and happiness. Peace can only succeed when the peacemakers themselves will not deter or hinder humanity’s efforts to protect and secure human rights, responsible freedoms and civil liberties. Peace will only be successful if the peacemakers themselves believe that every nation on earth deserves liberty, democracy and freedom. Peacemaking is understanding that all of us human beings are children of the LORD GOD and, therefore, have the right to pursue life, liberty and happiness. It is righteous for the citizens of the countries in both Middle East and North Africa to peacefully and lawfully struggle in order to gain democracy and freedom. The Obama administration should welcome such development in both regions.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Mubarak resigns: A partial victory for the Tahrir Square Revolution

Mubarak resigns

By Jon Jensen — GlobalPost

Published: February 11, 2011 11:41 ET in Middle East

CAIRO, Egypt — Hundreds of thousands of protesters in Cairo erupted in celebration Friday after the country's new vice president, Omar Suleiman, announced on state television that Hosni Mubarak, after more than three decades in power, had finally stepped down.

Protesters dropped to their knees and chanted, "Egypt is free! Egypt is free!"

In Tahrir Square, the epicenter of the protest movement that has persisted for 18 days straight, there was a sense of relief after an uncertain few days.

“I can smell freedom for the first time in my life,” said Mohamed Qorny, 46, who, along with everyone else in the square, was hysterical, jumping and screaming in joy.

The announcement came not long after the military turned the turrets of its tanks away from protesters that had amassed in front of the presidential palace. Suleiman, who had been named vice president by Mubarak last week, said the military would assume power.

A military source told Reuters that Field Marshal Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, the defense minister and commander-in-chief of the armed forces, was the head of the Higher Military Council that has taken control in Egypt. It was unclear what role Suleiman would play in any future transition.

In response, the crowds chanted, “The army and the people are one.”

Demonstrators have long said they wanted not only the removal of Mubarak, but the entire regime.

Anti-government protesters flooded Tahrir Square early on Friday, frustrated a day after Mubarak defiantly announced that he would transfer his power to Suleiman, who is also his close confidant, but would not resign.

The protests quickly turned into the largest since they first began on Jan. 25. And for the first time they spread outside Tahrir Square to the presidential palace and the headquarters of the state television. Protests also reportedly erupted in the northern city of Alexandria.

Throughout the day, army soldiers and commanders began to mingle with the protesters, pointing to the dramatic change that would soon take place. Officials said before the announcement Friday that Mubarak had left Cairo and was said to be staying in the coastal tourist town of Sharm el-Sheikh.

The rumors that Mubarak would possibly announce his resignation began earlier Thursday afternoon when a senior Egyptian military official said to protesters through local media that, “All your demands will be met today.”

The rumor quickly gained steam around the world as international news organizations picked up on the story. NBC reported that two independent sources had confirmed that Mubarak would step down and that Suleiman would take over. CNN reported that CIA Director Leon Panetta also expected Mubarak to resign Thursday.

But in his defiant speech Thursday night, Mubarak caused widespread confusion with a rambling speech in which he talked about arcane laws, appearing completely out of touch with the demands of his people.

Robin Wright, a distinguished scholar at the U.S. Institute of Peace Wilson Center who has interviewed Mubarak several times, said Thursday that Mubarak's speech appeared to be a last, desperate attempt to save face.

"It was out of touch, and it’s one of the vainest political acts I’ve witnessed in my lifetime,” she said. “This is a man who is so self-absorbed that he’s not ready to recognize what has become incredibly clear over the last 17 days — that his reign is finished.”

Protesters, old and young, were hugging and crying Friday night as they celebrated their hard fought victory.

Om Alaa, 52, whose son died during clashes with the state security forces in late January, was dancing in the street.

“I feel such happiness that I can’t even describe,” she said. “My son was murdered just before his marriage and now I feel his blood didn’t go in vain.”

Demonstrators waved large Egyptian flags and several Tunisian flags. Egypt’s revolution was partly inspired by the uprising in Tunisia that forced out President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali after his 23-year reign.

A group of about 15 men stood on top of a burned out van that once belonged to the country’s feared security forces in a symbolic scene that demonstrated just how far the protesters had come since the first few days of demonstrations when police violently cracked down on the movement.

Protesters have long made it clear, however, that nothing short of a Western-style democracy would satisfy them, demanding the departure of the prime minister, the parliament, the president, vice president and refusing any system led by the military.

“We don’t want an army-led regime,” the crowd chanted at one point on Thursday.



Finally, after more than 2 weeks of demonstrations in Egypt, the handsome dictator decided to resign as his country’s strongman. The peaceful Tahrir Square Revolution has abrogated the Mubarak regime. That means the Tahrir Square revolutionaries won about one-half of their main objective. Their main concern is to have an elected government that will really protect and secure their human rights, responsible freedoms, and civil liberties. The other half of such goal would be gained once Egyptians vote for their representatives and state leaders in September. But the current council of leaders that is now ruling Egypt should really appoint civilian leaders who will draft a temporary constitution, guard against human-rights’ violations and abuses from authorities, and ensure that the coming elections in Egypt would really be fair, clean and orderly. In other words, the Tahrir Square Revolution is not yet complete until a freely-elected government steps in to rule Egypt. Since Egypt became a republic in the 1950s, the country was ruled by a succession of military dictators and juntas. Now that the Egyptian people had successfully waged a peaceful revolution against an unpopular regime, the country has a big chance of having a civilian government that will defend the human rights and civil liberties of the citizens. But such prospect would only materialize if the current ruling council of the said country would really be serious in transferring political power to civilian rulers. Such council (read: temporary junta) has to appoint civilian leaders now in government positions to show its sincerity in giving way to democratic governance. Some opposition leaders who will not run for public office come September should be appointed to specific government positions by Egypt’s ruling military council. The ones who will draft a temporary constitution for Egypt should come from all sectors of the society. Such things should be undertaken by Egypt’s ruling council to show to the world and to its own citizens that the country is really on its way to actual democratic governance.